Ben Helinski is a young Pittsburgh-based filmmaker whose small-town upbringing has influenced his work and style, which often grapples with concepts of changing relationships, uncertain futures, and the quest for peace.
Ben was born and raised in the small town of Meyersdale, Pennsylvania. An idyllic picture of rural America and a place that he holds a complicated relationship with - a place that offers nostalgia and peace but little future for him. Still, his small town upbringing - and his transition into college life in the city during his tenure at Point Park University - has greatly informed his creative work, which often grapples with concepts of changing relationships, uncertain futures, and the quest for peace. Outside of directing, writing, editing, shooting, and producing many short films, Ben produced and co-hosted Radio Somewhere, a music and comedy show nominated for six Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS) Awards at a ceremony he attended in New York City; as well as Point Blank Live!, a completely self-started two-hour-long SNL-inspired sketch and variety TV special played in front of a live audience, featuring digital shorts written, directed, and editied by Ben himself. Most recently, he co-founded comedy/music venue and hotspot for comedy and creative voices in Pittsburgh, Bottlerocket Social Hall, which has featured nationally renowned headlining comedians such as Chris Gethard, Martin Urbano, and Marcia Belsky, but also places an importance on the talent that can be found in Pittsburgh’s local comedy scene. The venue has also featured non-comedy local legends such as Rick Sebak and Amoeba Knievel, among others. He has since stepped away from the business to pursue his passion of filmmaking.